Thoughts and Musing

Articles from my inner view of the world or some days just a rant at injustice.

Humanity is Insane

Sitting in silence the veils part and I am witness to a world gone mad.

Petty tyrants split atoms to make weapons of power whilst my people starve and freeze upon ground made barren by fear and greed.

Children, dark of skin, wither to dust when in the west others bloat on slop even animals won’t call food.

War and Poverty

Today Israel and Palestine are bombing the hell out of each other. Missiles rain down across borders like children throwing stones across a fence … only the stones are ballistic missiles that are designed to kill as many as possible… though the behavior is still that of emotional children.

Eve of the Venus Transit

There was a time not so long ago when we came in voices of one’s and two’s. We came to remind the world of who we are, of the great potential of humanity. Now many have come, different lands, different times. Jesus the Nazarene, Siddartha Guatama the Buddha, Muhammad,...

Soldiers of Humanity

Once a division of the Japanese army was engaged in a sham battle, and some of the officers found it necessary to make their headquarters in Gasan's temple. Gasan told his cook: "Let the officers have only the same simple fare we eat." This made the army men angry, as...

Empty your Cup

A university professor went to visit a famous Zen master. While the master quietly served tea, the professor talked about Zen. The master poured the visitor's cup to the brim, and then kept pouring. The professor watched the overflowing cup until he could no longer...

Know Thyself

Well I suppose it would make sense that in my first foray into the world of blogging I should define what I mean by using "Spiritual &  Bloke" in the one sentence. Perhaps the best place to start is not with my words, but rather those oft poorly quoted words from...


Zen is very simple… Who are you? In this whole world everyone searches for happiness outside, but few souls find the inner path. Everybody says, “I” – “I want this, I am like that…” But nobody understands this “I.” Can you remember before you were born, did your I...

Passion for Knowledge

My other growing passion is interviewing amazing people. The link below will take you to some of my early videos and there will be a growing body of them as I expand this side of things and continue to meet amazing healers, thinkers and wayshowers.
M-Field Therapy is a body of work that has been a creative evolution since 2002. Using Light, Colour, Crystal & Sound we create deep states of relaxation & healing … READ MORE
Here I work with two incredibly talented women, and together we share our knowledge and understanding of healing and self-inquiry. So if you are looking to truly know … READ MORE
Heal Yourself Expo’s are held on the Sunshine Coast, Toowoomba, Redcliffe and Gympie and our focus is creating a community of healers, speakers and … READ MORE