Zen Story’s
I love metaphor and story it allows our mind to grasp more complex values.
Soldiers of Humanity
Once a division of the Japanese army was engaged in a sham battle, and some of the officers found it necessary to make their headquarters in Gasan's temple. Gasan told his cook: "Let the officers have only the same simple fare we eat." This made the army men angry, as...
Empty your Cup
A university professor went to visit a famous Zen master. While the master quietly served tea, the professor talked about Zen. The master poured the visitor's cup to the brim, and then kept pouring. The professor watched the overflowing cup until he could no longer...
Zen Story – A family of Burglars
A Family of Burglars Noticing that his father was growing old, the son of a burglar asked his father to teach him the trade so that he could carry on the family business after his father had retired. The father agreed, and that night they broke into a house together....
Ten Zen Bulls
The Story of the Ten Zen Bulls My personal journey with the Ten Zen Bulls has been more than a decade, and a truly beautiful part of my life. There is no doubt the world is changing, looking for something illusive. In sharing this metaphor and my musings, it is my...
Zen is very simple… Who are you? In this whole world everyone searches for happiness outside, but few souls find the inner path. Everybody says, “I” – “I want this, I am like that…” But nobody understands this “I.” Can you remember before you were born, did your I...
Passion for Knowledge
My other growing passion is interviewing amazing people. The link below will take you to some of my early videos and there will be a growing body of them as I expand this side of things and continue to meet amazing healers, thinkers and wayshowers.
M-Field Therapy is a body of work that has been a creative evolution since 2002. Using Light, Colour, Crystal & Sound we create deep states of relaxation & healing … READ MORE
Here I work with two incredibly talented women, and together we share our knowledge and understanding of healing and self-inquiry. So if you are looking to truly know … READ MORE
Heal Yourself Expo’s are held on the Sunshine Coast, Toowoomba, Redcliffe and Gympie and our focus is creating a community of healers, speakers and … READ MORE